How To Use JBook


To install JBook, follow these steps:

Usage Instructions

Opening a local text
Type 'o' or choose 'Open' from the 'Book' menu. You will see a list of texts available in the current directory. Select a text and click 'OK'. That book will be displayed.
Downloading and opening a text from Project Gutenberg
Type 'g' or choose 'Open Remote Book' from the 'Book' menu. You will see a list of texts available from Project Gutenberg. Select a text and click 'OK'. That book will be downloaded and displayed.
Scrolling the text
To scroll the text line by line, use the up and down arrow keys. To scroll the text down a page at a time, use Page Down or the space bar. To scroll the text up a page at a time, use Page Up, or 'b'.
The text can be made to scroll automatically at a user-controlled rate. 'a' turns autoscrolling on or off. 'i' increase the scrolling rate, 'd' decreases it.
Changing the Font
Type 'f' or choose 'Choose Font' from the 'Settings' menu. You will see a list of available fonts. Select one and click 'OK'. The text will be redisplayed in that font.